Wednesday, January 23, 2013

First Night, or What You Will...

Second night of second semester, but it's the first night of my Technology and Literacy class - as well as my first Master's class.  I was expecting to be done with all of my classes in just over 2 years, but now I'm this may take a little bit longer.  The current goal is to enjoy the ride, and learn as much as possible so when all is said and done, I can nail a full time job that isn't working at the grocery store, or subbing at the local high school (a.k.a. how I currently pay the bills).

The going-slow aspect of this class is a little frustrating because I spend so much time online, however, I know there must be aspects of things I take for granted that I don't know in a robust manner, and if I slow myself down, I'm sure to know them all better.  Or, that's what I'll tell myself until I get to do something meaty or new.  On the flip-side, this has a spell check, and my brain power is lacking during this first trimester (or baby brain as everyone affectionately is calling it - to my face).

I am really excited to get to interact with all of the different technologies, and projects and not have to be so focused on APA-format-papers-Times-New-Roman-size-12-font-1-inch-margin-header-no-footer-thankyouverymuch.

That about taps whatever I have floating around in my own mental cyberspace for now...


  1. Okay, this comment has no educational value, but I just have to say when I read your profile I did a double take to make sure I wasn't reading my own! LOVE: Disney, Pixar, Gone with the Wind, The Sword of Truth novels (must! reread!), cats, etc etc haha. Congratulations on the baby, how exciting! I'm impatient for one myself. ;)

    1. I look forward to being able to work more with you this class, since last semester we were also on opposite ends of the room! As for the baby, when they say it comes when you stop expecting, they are right! I didn't have time to worry during the I have something else to expect ;)
