Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hunger Games Literacy Project

I chose to create a lesson around The Hunger Games, using an Animoto as the introduction tool, a blog as the class-discussion enhancement tool (running our own Arena, and requiring the students to use persuasive arguments to win the bid for District aid each day), and a digital story showcasing persuasive argument for who the winning District of our class should be as the final project.  Since I do not currently have a classroom of my own, the feedback I was given was verbal from some of my peers (other teachers of high school English, or those with some training in Higher Ed.)  I created an example of each stage of the lesson as my "show-and tell."  Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

Hunger Games Intro Animoto:

Hunger Games Discussion Blog:

Hunger Games Persuasive Argument Digital Story Example: Hunger Games Digital Story Sample Final by emagdule

Again, any feedback, especially from those currently in a classroom, or those who have used similar tools, is very welcomed!

Hunger Games Literacy Project Blog Component

Welcome to our class version of the 74th Annual Hunger Games!  You and your fellow Tributes will be discussing your own experiences within our Arena as we also read the text, to try and bring the drama, if not the trauma, to light for us to explore.  After each class, I will update the current locations of the Tributes grouped by District, as well as what (if anything) has befallen on them.  Your task is to comment as the tribute with what you would do to make your District want to give you precious aid.  In class, we will decide after discussion which District made a successful plea.  Unlike the Tributes in the text, we will not be harming the other Tributes - your available actions are to be focused on self/team preservation without the additional, intentional harm of others.

(to be updated after our first class)
District 1 Tributes:
District 2 Tributes:
District 3 Tributes:
District 4 Tributes:
District 5 Tributes:
District 6 Tributes:
District 7 Tributes:
District 8 Tributes:
District 9 Tributes:
District 10 Tributes:
District 11 Tributes:
District 12 Tributes:

Current Events
Arena Day 1: